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Injectable hyaluronic acid (HA) is a type of temporary dermal filler. Injectable HA is used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and enhance volume in areas of the face.

Dermal fillers can create structure and framework and add volume to the cheeks, jawline, and chin. Softer dermal fillers can add volume to the lips or smooth hollow areas like the under-eye area or nasolabial folds.

At White Pearl Medical Spa, discover the secret to natural-looking results and a youthful glow with our exclusive Dermal Fillers. Our skilled injectors will guide you through a successful treatment plan, achieving your desired outcome.

Dr. Philip G. Conrardy

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Who Are the Ideal Candidates for Dermal Filler?

Dermal fillers offer a wide range of applications and effectively enhance aesthetics for patients of all ages. Whether you desire plumper lips, higher cheekbones, a sharper jawline, or to fill increases and wrinkles, there is a suitable dermal filler for your needs.

Our highly skilled injectors utilize dermal fillers to accentuate your features and assist you in achieving your aesthetic goals.

Throughout the process, our injectors closely collaborate with you to accomplish the desired outcome, whether you seek a dramatic transformation or a subtle enhancement.

It is important to note that dermal fillers do not inherently produce an overdone or artificial appearance. Our injectors dedicate themselves to delivering natural-looking results.

Generally, individuals who are in good physical health and do not have any underlying health conditions that could hinder the healing process are typically considered suitable candidates.

Factors such as non-smoking status and the absence of deep lines or concerns that may be better addressed through a surgical procedure may also be considered. To determine your eligibility for dermal fillers, a comprehensive evaluation will be conducted by your doctor.

Our skilled medical person will assess your skin condition and provide a personalized treatment plan based on your needs and goals.

Happy Girl

Why are Dermal Fillers Used?

As you grow older, the natural decline of collagen in your body becomes evident. Collagen, a crucial substance found throughout your body, including your skin, muscles, bones, and connective tissues, gradually diminishes.

This reduction in collagen leads to skin laxity, a loss of volume, thinning of the skin, decreased elasticity, and sagging.

To address these concerns, individuals may opt for dermal fillers to:

  • Restore volume to sagging skin.
  • Enhance facial features.
  • Achieve a more symmetrical look.
  • Plump up lips and cheeks.
  • Smooth out facial wrinkles and creases.

In certain cases, individuals who have experienced fat dystrophy or also known as facial thinness as a side effect of medical conditions like HIV may greatly benefit from dermal fillers to replenish lost volume.

Doctor is Touching Patient's Face

Education for Patients

Most dermal fillers are made from hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring complex sugar in your body that helps provide skin volume, structure, elasticity, and moisture. HA is lost with age.

Fillers are designed to replace volume in facial structures that have lost their fullness due to age and lifestyle factors. Adding volume to facial structures can result in a more youthful appearance.

Dermal fillers can be used in areas such as the tear troughs, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, jawline, and hands.

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How Does Dermal Filler Work?

HA filler is a smooth injectable gel. It is placed below the skin and often deep above the bone to recreate the structure and provide support. Doing this improves hollowing, folds, and loose skin. HA is naturally produced and broken down by the body, so the filler is not permanent.

Once the HA filler is placed, it draws water from your body, leaving a volume-restored and natural look. HA filler improves your skin’s moisture, as HA holds 1,000 times its weight in water.

Adding new HA in your body encourages your body to increase collagen and elastin production, improving overall skin integrity and quality.

With our comprehensive approach, optimal results can easily be achieved from Dermal Fillers treatments.

Injection Face Treatment

What are Pre-care Instructions for Dermal Filler Treatment?

  • Schedule your appointment with consideration for potential swelling, tenderness, and bruising that may last several days or longer. Pregnant or breastfeeding women are not eligible for treatment.
  • Patients undergoing active chemotherapy or radiation treatment cannot be treated. A period of 6 months in remission is required before treatment.
  • If you have recently taken Accutane medication, postponing treatment for at least 12 months after discontinuation is advisable.
  • Inform your provider about any past treatments, procedures, medical conditions, medications, skin disorders, allergies, history of anaphylaxis, and other relevant medical issues.
  • Dermal filler treatment should not be performed within 2 weeks of major dental work, oral surgeries, or recent vaccine administration.
  • Avoid the use of Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Aspirin, Motrin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, St. John’s Wort, Garlic, and other Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory products 5-7 days before treatment to minimize the risk of bruising. Do not discontinue any prescribed medications without consulting your healthcare provider.
  • Refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages 48-72 hours before treatment to reduce the likelihood of bruising.
  • Starting antihistamines (such as Claritin, Zyrtec, or Loratadine) 3 days before treatment and taking Bromelain and Arnica tablets 7-10 days before treatment can help minimize bruising.
  • Tylenol can be taken for possible discomfort one hour before the scheduled appointment. Do not exceed 3000mg of Tylenol within 24 hours.
Face Cream

What are Post-care Instructions for Dermal Filler Treatment?

  • To reduce the risk of bruising, consider taking over-the-counter Arnica tablets or applying Arnica gel- following their respective instructions for 3-5 days or until the bruising subsides. Expect redness and swelling that should resolve within several days.
  • Cold compresses or ice can be applied immediately after treatment to reduce swelling and provide comfort.
  • Antihistamines can help reduce swelling, particularly if the tear trough and lips are treated. Continue taking an antihistamine (Claritin, Zyrtec, or Loratadine) for 3 days following treatment.
  • Swelling and bruising under the eyes may persist for several days to weeks.
  • Refrain from manipulating or pushing.
  • Do not manipulate, push, or rub injection sites within the first 72 hours. Specifically for lip injections, gently massage lips on day 3 if lumps or bumps can be felt.
  • Give these 4-6 weeks to fully heal as they may result from bruising or induration vs. product.
  • Exercise should be avoided within the first 24-72 hours as it may increase swelling and bruising.
  • Call our office immediately if you notice blanching (whitening of the skin), experience intense pain, or have any other concerns.

Dermal Filler FAQs

What are the benefits of dermal filler procedures?

The advantages of dermal filler procedures are numerous.

Firstly, individuals often notice immediate results after receiving the injections, typically taking less than an hour to administer in the comfort of their healthcare provider’s office. Since dermal fillers are non-surgical treatments, the recovery time is minimal.

Furthermore, the duration of the results varies depending on the type of filler used, with some lasting for months or even years. Certain fillers can provide benefits for over two years. Additionally, dermal filler procedures are generally more cost-effective than elective surgical procedures.

What are the potential risks and complications associated with dermal fillers?

Although serious complications are uncommon, and many side effects are temporary, it is important to be aware of the risks involved in any cosmetic surgery procedure. These risks may include:

– Asymmetrical appearance.
– Bleeding, bruising, redness, pain, and swelling.
– Skin damage, which can result in scarring.
– Infection, which in severe cases can lead to necrosis (death of infected skin).
– Formation of lumps or bumps beneath the skin.
– Numbness.
– The appearance of acne-like pimples.
– Rash and itching.

In rare instances, individuals may experience vision problems following dermal filler injections. If you encounter issues with your eyesight, accompanied by weakness, discomfort, or pain on one side of your body, it is crucial to seek immediate medical assistance.

How long is the recovery period following dermal filler injections?

The recovery time varies for each individual and is influenced by the following factors:

– The number of areas treated by your healthcare provider.
– The specific type of filler used.
– Your overall health condition.

Generally, individuals can resume their regular activities immediately after the procedure, but caution should always be taken specially in instances where the client typically engages in strenuous physical activities for a day or two.

Experience noticeable outcomes and contact us today for a radiant, youthful glow.